Tara Squier, MA, BSN, RN
Tara Squier, MA, BSN, RN
THE Experience Healing
Have a T.herapeutic H.olistic E.lemental Healing Experience
What I Do
Assist you in your personal Healing Experience
My Bio
Nurse by trade, Healer at heart
My career began in home health and a nursing home 25 years ago while in nursing school at Boston College. Upon entering the field as a Registered Nurse, I embraced Obstetrics, then care of patients in Surgical Services. In 2019, I began fulfilling a dream to provide healing to people both inside and outside the clinical setting by studying Integrative Health and Healing. I am passionate about the numerous healing modalities the Universe has to offer. My Master of Arts is in Integrative Health and Healing from the Graduate Institute. It is there many doors of perception opened and I was drawn to Energy Medicine. My training in Reiki allows me to be of service to people’s healing and the vast wealth of knowledge my Masters studies bestowed upon me have filled my healing work kit. It is an honor to be a part of someone’s healing journey and I appreciate your consideration for me to join you.
Peace, Blessings, and Love, Tara
*Reiki Healing Sessions **Distance Reiki Sessions Offered
~Usui Reiki III Master, Holy Fire III Level I~
*Get ready for surgery, heal quickly!
*Medical Treatment Support (chemo, physical rehab, anxiety, insomnia, etc)
*Support for Addiction and Disorder Recovery
*Virtual Reality assisted healing experiences*Personalized healing experiences in nature ~Both In Development~
~Some services are not fully developed, please have consideration as my practice evolves~
Contact Me
Please tell me how I can help you heal.
PayPal link
also accepting cash and Venmo
© 2021